Are you a marketing professional feeling like your days are slipping away, constantly bouncing from one meeting to the next while your to-do list grows faster than you can check items off? Take control of your time by scheduling it in your calendar! Also, don’t hesitate to call for help.
Marketing professionals, do you feel like your days are running out of hours? Are you constantly moving from one meeting to another, with your to-do list growing faster than you can check items off? Take control of your time by scheduling it in your calendar!
The marketing calendar and content calendar are likely familiar terms, and they really work if you have time to fill them. Create space in your own calendar for marketing planning. Reserve, for example, every Friday afternoon for internal marketing development, giving you time to plan for the future.
Start each quarter by outlining the big picture. Consider the goals, theme days, and campaigns for the next quarter. Next, bring out the content calendar and plan the publication schedules for different content, first on a monthly and then on a weekly basis, noting the topics and content for each.
A good plan is halfway done! Once the publication dates and content are clear, you can allocate the next few weeks for marketing development to produce the content. This way, you stay one step ahead, with content scheduled for the upcoming week.
Marketing Services as a Strategic Tool
Does the idea of another recruitment sound time-consuming and expensive again? Unfortunately, it is. In addition to time and money, the challenges of recruitment include finding a skilled content producer with a strong background and availability when needed. Add to that the training of new hires and the procurement of substitutes in case of illnesses.
Searching for a freelancer is not an easy task either, as there is an abundance of freelancers today, but finding the right one takes time and skill. Relying on a single contributor comes with risks; the freelancer’s situation can change rapidly, content production may take more time, and there are no guarantees of expertise. You might find yourself repeatedly going through the freelancer selection process and constantly wasting time finding a new contributor.
Sometimes continuous “marketing as a service” may be the best solution. The company may only have a need for content marketing, making hiring a full-time contributor impractical, but your time may not be sufficient for content production.
By entrusting the production of marketing content, you get access to a marketing professional as needed. An outsourced individual likely produces content for other companies, giving them strong expertise in different industries and marketing trends.
There are numerous options for marketing service providers. For example, you can purchase individual pieces of content on an hourly basis or a social media package, which includes a specific number of ready-to-publish posts. Alternatively, you can buy a set number of work hours for marketing tasks.
Smoothly’s service operates on a fixed monthly fee. Common tasks include social media posts, blog articles, and newsletters, but you can also delegate the production of marketing materials to content producers. You only pay for the hours used without hidden costs.